So Many Ways To Air

1/ The Team
Tendril collaborated with Terry Hall to create a social media series designed to inspire different ways to style up Nike’s 270 and Vapormax shoes.
2/ The Goal
Our goal was to fully integrate the type into the action so it really felt part of the scene. We explored fresh and interesting ways to use simple typographic principles, but pushed those letterforms to the extreme.
By using a multitude of animation techniques, variation in letterform weight, and rotoscoped footage, it allowed us to play with how the typography interacted and evolved with model’s movements.

3/ The Film
Each film is designed in such a way that our edits could be flexible, creating multiple iterations for each that open on either product, a styled look, or message + brand.
The footage was shot on 16mm, Red and VHS to give it a real retro feel which proved problematic at first when no one had a VCR to review the footage 😉

4/ Typography
Our favourite part was creating a playful interplay between the energetic typography, beautiful movement, killer retro-styling and of course–dope shoes.

FacebookProduction Company
PsyopExecutive Producer
Andrew Linsk
Karen LawlerLive-Action Director
Production Company
Kate BateCreative Director
Chris BahryAnimation Director
Joseph RecoskieProducer
Leah WesolowskiAnimation + Compositing Lead
Joseph RecoskieAnimation
Nik DudukovicAnimation Exploration
Leo Mateus, Gabriel Rocha, Joseph RecoskieTypographer
Stefan HürlemannEDITORIAL
Michael Barker of Outsider Editorial
Oliver Whitfield-SmithSOUND DESIGN
Nicholas Weiss